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Our Studio Voice Lessons Policies


This agreement constitutes a contract of terms and conditions of Rising Stars Voice Studio.


1. LESSONS. The Fall lesson season begins on January 1st and will end on September 6th and will finish December 23rd. The Studio will be closed on November 25th & 26th for Thanksgiving.


2. PAYMENT. Tuition fees must be paid monthly before the first of the month or before the first unpaid lesson.This especially applies to the 5 week months. Since we charge for 4 weeks at a time, your payment might be due before the first depending on the length of the month. A $15 late fee will be applied to all payments made after the first of each month. A $40 fee will be applied to any bounced checks. Failure to pay on time will result in the revocation of the student’s lesson time.



Should the Studio need to cancel a lesson, a refund will be credited. However, lessons cancelled by the student will be non-refundable regardless of the reason including, but not limited to, illness or vacations. In the event of DANGEROUS WEATHER WARNINGS, we will make arrangements so that a new lesson can be made with Ms. Sophie Taillefer. The Studio is not obligated to refund any cancelled or missed lessons. You can reschedule ONE lesson per month but we must be notified 24 hours prior to the cancellation. If you cancel a lesson the day of your class, we will try to reschedule but we do not guarantee that we will be able to do it, it will depend on our schedule.



If for any reason the student needs to terminate this contract, two weeks notice must be given. Lessons are non-refundable for the rest of the month if terminated in the middle of month.



The Studio is not responsible for any and all lost or stolen items.



I, the undersigned, hereby authorize the Studio to photograph, take motion pictures off, take video footage of and/or make audio recordings, herein referred to as “media,” of the Student. I hereby authorize the use of all such media for any purpose including, but not limited to, education or promotional in any platform including, but not limited to, Facebook, YouTube, or the Studio’s website. I understand that there will be no financial payment, or other remuneration, for any and all media of the student. I hereby waive any rights to inspect or approve the finished media that may be used, whether it is known or unknown to me.

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